Battlefield Map (Streets for All)

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News on Battlefield Map (Streets for All)

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The Design Consultation is closed. Here’s how it went

The public consultation for Battlefield Street Design where we shared the design ideas for the local area has now come to an end. Thank you for all your comments and feedback which will be analysed to help refine the design ideas where possible.

Our website is now closed for comments, but you can still see everyone's contributions and the design proposals here:

What did we get up to?

During the public consultation of nearly a month we engaged with a total number of 2,637 people and received valuable feedback on the design ideas. This included the following events and activities:

Public Drop-in Session in the community

We held a public session to launch the public consultation on the 19 March at Langside Library and held a stall on the street. We showcased the design ideas, discussed the changes and gathered feedback. 302 people attended over the course of the day.

Website Launch

We uploaded the designs onto our website on the 19 March for people to leave their comments and feedback. Since its launch we've had:

2,240 visitors to the site 1,167 comments about the design ideas

Engagement with local businesses

We invited local business owners and workers on Battlefield Road to view the design ideas and leave their feedback and comments. 16 business owners attended and we collected 11 feedback forms for the consultation.

Activities and events with the Youth

We returned to Battlefield Primary School to discuss the design changes and encourage discussions to gather feedback from the pupils. Over the course of a day we ran workshops with 4 different classes, totaling 95 pupils .

What’s Next?

The team are now analysing all the feedback received and will be refining the designs where possible. Our next public event for the project will be held in the next couple of months displaying the feedback received on the initial designs, the refined concept design and outlining next steps with Glasgow City Council. In the meantime watch this space for further updates and details!

Posted on 3rd May 2019

by Emily, Community Engagement Officer, Sustrans